Dr. Johannes Corsten
German Lawyer | Specialist Lawyer for Criminal Law
Dr. Johannes Corsten
German Lawyer | Specialist Lawyer for Criminal Law
Law studies with a focus on criminology in both Bonn and Pisa
Academic assistant to Professor Dr Martin Böse at the University of Bonn
Doctoral thesis on commercial criminal law regarding consent to fraudulent behaviour, corruption and bribery
Lecturer at DeutscheAnwaltAkademie, the professional academy of the German bar association, inter alia heading the specialist lawyer training course for criminal law
Lawyer since 2012 (initially with Dr. Günter Dörr & Partner, joined the law firm kempf schilling in 2016, where he became an equity partner in 2018)
Specialist Lawyer for Criminal Law (Fachanwalt für Strafrecht) since 2016
Establishment of the boutique law firm Reichling Corsten in 2022
Focus Areas
Medical criminal law
Foreign trade criminal law
Banking and capital markets criminal law
Compliance advice
Compliance advice
Criminal due diligence
Asset recovery
Commercial criminal law
Focus Areas
Medical criminal law
Foreign trade criminal law
Banking and
capital markets criminal law
Compliance advice
Administrative offence proceedings under antitrust law
Criminal due diligence
Asset recovery
Commercial criminal law
JUVE HANDBUCH Wirtschaftskanzleien 2023/2024
“cooperative”, “experienced and very competent”, “quick-witted, strategically good”, “has the right sense of proportion”, “well networked, team player”, “tactically good sense for the right approach”, “innovative and unconventional”
Einwilligung in die Untreue sowie in die Bestechlichkeit und Bestechung (Consent to fraudulent behaviour, corruption and bribery)
As a commentator
Commentary on section 375 of the German Fiscal Code (Incidental legal consequences)
Heidelberger Kommentar zum Steuerstrafrecht,
C.F. Müller, Heidelberg, 2nd ed. 2020, pp. 388-403
(together with Christoph Tute)
Commentary on section 374 of the German Fiscal Code (Purchasing and handling tax-evaded goods)
Heidelberger Kommentar zum Steuerstrafrecht,
C.F. Müller, Heidelberg, 2nd ed. 2020, pp. 372-387
(together with Christoph Tute)
Articles in compendiums
“Grundlagen der strafrechtlichen Verantwortung von Organmitgliedern einer Aktiengesellschaft (Basic principles of criminal liability of members of executive bodies of German public limited companies)”
Handbuch Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat, 2nd ed., Cologne 2023,
RWS Verlag, pp. 1251-1264
(together with Dr Udo Wackernagel)
Vermögensabschöpfung und Opferentschädigung (Asset recovery and compensation for victims)
Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Verteidigung in Wirtschafts- und Steuerstrafsachen, 3rd ed., Munich 2020,
Verlag C.H. Beck, pp. 525-558
(together with Dr Hellen Schilling)
M&A-Transaktionen und das Straf- und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht (Teil ll): Risiken für die Käuferseite (M&A transactions under criminal and administrative offences law (part II): Risks on the buyer side)
(together with Dr Tilman Reichling and Dr Laura Borgel)
M&A-Transaktionen und das Straf- und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht (Teil l): Risiken für die Verkäuferseite (M&A transactions under criminal and administrative offences law (part I): Risks on the seller side)
(together with Dr Tilman Reichling and Dr Laura Borgel)
Entkoppelung der Verjährung strafrechtlicher Einziehung auch rückwirkend (Disassociation of limitation of confiscation under criminal law also retrospectively)
(together with Dr Hellen Schilling and Dr Yannic Hübner)
Interne Ermittlungen und das Bundesverfassungsgericht: Die Beschränkung aufs Allernötigste, Zugleich Besprechung von BVerfG, 3. Kammer des 2. Senats, Beschl. v. 27.06.2018 – 2 BvR 1405/17 (Internal investigations and the German Federal Constitutional Court: The restriction to what is absolutely necessary; at the same time commentary on BVerfG, Third Chamber of the Second Senate, decision dated 27/6/2018, 2 BvR 1405/17)
(together with Eberhard Kempf)
Comments on and reviews of judgments
„Anmerkung zu LG Nürnberg-Fürth 12 Qs 17/23 – Akteneinsicht bei Vermögensarrest (Comment on District Court Nuremberg-Fürth 12 Qs 17/23 – Inspection of files in the case of detention of property)“
(together with Ludwig Klose)
„Anmerkung zu BGH 1 StR 281/22 – Unterscheidung zwischen Tatertrag und Tatobjekt (Comment on BGH 1 StR 281/22 – Distinction between the proceeds of the offence and the object of the offence)“
(together with Prof. Dr. Kay Schumann)
Anmerkung zu BGH, 4 StR 350/20 – Keine Vermögensbetreuungspflicht des Vertragsarztes bei der Verordnung von häuslicher Krankenpflege (Comment on BGH, 4 StR 350/20 – No asset management duties incumbent on panel doctor when prescribing home care)
(together with Professor Dr Sascha Ziemann)
Anmerkung zu BGH, Beschluss v. 28.7.2021 – 1 StR 506/20 –Bestechung im geschäftlichen Verkehr – Anteilseigner als Unternehmensinhaber (Comment on BGH, decision dated 28/7/2021, 1 StR 506/20 – Corruption in business transactions – Shareholder as company owner)
(together with Dr Tilman Reichling)